It's No Secret That Problems Related to Tobacco Smoking Will Drive A Huge Demand!

It's astounding to know there's 1 Billion smokers in the world with 57 Million in the US Alone!
The two major diseases caused by smoking are Cancer and Emphysema. Every year 465,000 people die from smoking related diseases which are the leading preventable causes of death in the US, responsible for 1 of 5 deaths. Nicotine doesn't cause either.
Nicotine has been guilty by association while it's actually compared equal to caffeine. The reason behind this negative connection is simply the social stigma of tobacco smokers vs. coffee drinkers.
According to a fire chief, the major cause of brush fires are smoldering cigarette butts.
According to a recent Earth Day Study, 35% of the tonnage of waste material collected is cigarette butts.
The money spent on tobacco cigarette advertising is staggering at over 1 Billion with revenue of over 100 Billion!
The primary concern are the health issues and healthcare costs being spent on taking care of tobacco related diseases is nearly equal to the market itself.
If the InLife Electronic Cigarettes captured just 1% of the market, that's a $750 Million Opportunity!